Shamanic Breathwork
Level 1: Initiate
The Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process (S.H.I.P.) is the entry point for all students who seek to become a Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator, be ordained as a Shamanic Minister, and wish to pursue a degree from Venus Rising University.
~ Be Ordained as a Shamanic Minister upon the completion of S.H.I.P. ~
Walking the Spiral Path: the S.H.I.P. Initiations
The S.H.I.P. program provides a path of direct experience that transforms consciousness. Venus Rising Graduates are committed to letting go of self-seeking consciousness and becoming the change they wish to see in the world, thereby assisting in the rebirth of Shamanic Consciousness for our times.
Each initiation consists of creating sacred space for the Shamanic Breathwork Journey - a safe and powerful healing ceremony that uses cyclical breathing, chakra-attuned music, focused bodywork, artistic expression, and community sharing. These shamanic initiations support individuals in Awakening their Shaman Within!
Water: The Sacred Wheel of Life and The Spiral Path
Earth: Re-membering our Ancestors and the Cosmic Tree of Life
Fire: Soul Loss and Reclaiming the Shadow
Spirit: Opening to the Beloved- Contacting your Spiritual Helpers and Guides
Air: Awakening the Shaman Within & Discovering your Sacred Purpose
Imaginal Cells: Activating your Future Self
S.H.I.P. is designed to assist individuals and professionals in learning how to embody shamanic consciousness by journeying beyond the limitations of your ego identity and shape-shift into your sacred soul purpose.
Embrace shamanic tools to create real and lasting change in your life.
Transform troubling issues from the past that still impact you today.
Reclaim your passion and your power by recovering lost aspects of your authentic self and remember who you truly are!
Deepen your connection to unconditional love for self & others.
Enhance your ability to support others through these times and share your unique gifts and Sacred Purpose with the world.

You can participate in any of the S.H.I.P. workshops for your own personal transformation and/or as part of the training program.

Upon completion of the S.H.I.P. program, you will graduate as a Shamanic Breathwork Initiate.
At this level, you are encouraged to practice with friends and family. It's important that you are up front and transparent that you are mid-way through your training, and are not yet a fully certified Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator. Think of this as your practicum; your opportunity to gain hands on experiences while honing your SBW skills and building your confidence!
*We ask students at this level to not charge for their services, as this is an energy exchange.
For more information, Contact Us.