Shamanic Ministers'
Rights and Responsibilities
A Shamanic Ministers' Rights
Shamanic Ministers and members of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network, are legally ordained by Venus Rising, a 501c3 tax exempt church recognized as such by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States. Ministers ordained through Venus Rising have the full and just authority to perform all usual ministerial duties expected of said ecclesiastical office, such as: Baptism, Consecration, Marriage, Healing the Sick, Spiritual Counseling, Ministering to the Distressed and Dying, Transition, Conducting Church Meetings, and Teaching Spiritual Concepts. Shamanic Ministers ordained through Venus Rising are rightfully entitled to all privileges and respect usually granted to one so ordained.
Venus Rising is headquartered in Whittier, NC and subject to the laws and regulations of North Carolina. While most states recognize ordained ministers regardless of the location of church headquarters, there are some exceptions. Some states have additional requirements that ministers must meet before being allowed to perform ministerial duties within that state. This is particularly important when one is asked to officiate at a wedding ceremony. Please check with the appropriate agency within your own state to determine their requirements.
The following websites provide a good start for this research:​
A Shamanic Ministers' Responsibilities
It is required that all Shamanic Ministers ordained through Venus Rising and members of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network adhere to the following agreements:
~ All Shamanic Ministers agree to adhere to the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network Code of Ethics.
~ All Shamanic Ministers agree to supply the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network with a Statement of Intent.
~ All Shamanic Ministers agree to provide the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network with current contact info, including address, telephone number, and email address. All changes will be promptly reported to the Global Network.
~ All Shamanic Ministers agree to pay an annual network administrative fee of $80 due every year on January 1. Payment of administrative fees is a requirement in order to be considered an active member of the Shamanic Ministers’ Global Network.​​