Meet The Team

Linda Star Wolf
Founder & Director
Venus Rising ~ VRU University ~ Shamanic Breathwork
Dedicating her life to supporting others to release dysfunctional patterns of all kinds and to radically transform their lives, Star Wolf teaches people how to awaken to the Bigger Picture, embody their own inner Visionary Shaman, and step into a life of passionate purpose.
Levi is a Master Level Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator. Mystery, transformation, and healing magically combine as he leads intensive Shamanic Breathwork journeys, helping participants reconnect to their highest selves. By gifting students with personal empowerment and self-healing, he strives to create a community of open-hearted difference makers with world-changing potential.
Sandy provides her 40 years of experience as NursePractitioner in Women’s health and combines Herbalism, shamanic healing in her medical practice. Sandy is passionate about helping others heal themselves. She is the Gardener in Residence at Neteru Landing. As a core staff member of Venus Rising is a Supervisor and a Mentor of the Master Practitioner Program. Sandy is currently a Doctorate Candidate in the Shamanic Psycho Spiritual Studies at Venus Rising University
Jane is passionate about facilitating others to (re)discover their own inner guide & healer. Her grounded and embodied approach to spiritual practices allows you to dive deep into self-discovery and transformation. As Venus Rising Core Staff, she is an Apprentice Supervisor with the Master Practitioner Program and Director of Admissions for Venus Rising University.
Bradford C. Collins
In Memorium
October 12, 1955 - August 2, 2014

Bradford C. Collins
In Memorium
October 12, 1955 - August 2, 2014
Brad Collins, "The Green Man," was truly cherished by his community. Brad was the Co-Director of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, Vice President of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies and Director of the Transformation House Soul Recovery Program. A certified Shamanic Minister, Teacher, Trainer and Facilitator, Brad was also the Co-Director of the Shamanic Ministers Global Network.
His world was abundant with love, laughter, mountains of flowers, and Linda Star Wolf, his beloved wife. He had a life well lived, and he is dearly missed by all who were blessed to call him friend.