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Shamanic Breathwork Training
level 11 - facilitator skills

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December 3 - 16, 2024
Goddess Garden
Costa Rica

Step onto the Spiral Path…

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Join Star Wolf & The Venus Rising Team In Costa Rica!!!

Join us in Costa Rica where the rainforest meets the Caribbean Sea for a transformational journey through the ceremony of Shamanic Breathwork - a powerful healing process that inspires individuals to reconnect with their own inner healer. It’s a journey taken by connecting the breath, chakra-attuned music, focused bodywork, art, and group sharing to leave you empowered with the magic of who you truly are. Through Shamanic Breathwork, old wounds and dysfunctional patterns are released and transformed, bringing wholeness and healing back into your life, your loved ones, and the world around you.

This two-week Facilitator Skills training will focus on all of the different components and facets of the Shamanic Breathwork Process. This program will be highly concentrated on teachings and experiences that will equip you as a future Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator with the necessary skill sets required to take this shamanic work out into the world.

In union with the skill lessons, you will undertake a journey through the Five Elements during a New Moon to Full Moon astrological cycle, initiated in ceremony and surrounded by a loving tribe. Breathwork, ceremony, and the natural beauty of Costa Rica will leave you revitalized and reborn. On this path of personal healing, we become empowered to heal not only ourselves though also others.

"The Healing is the Training. The Training is the Healing."  - Linda Star Wolf

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If you’re ready to transform your life and awaken your Aquarian Shaman, this training is for you!

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Facilitator Skills

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The Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator Skills Training focuses on equipping future Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators with the necessary skill sets and experiential expo­sure required to take this shamanic work out into the world.

Facilitator Skills Segments

~ Bodywork

In this segment, students develop and create a deeper relationship with their physical bodies. They will learn a variety of bodywork techniques to utilize during the Shamanic Breathwork Journey. These techniques include shamanic tools and processes such as rebirthing, resistance, conscious touch, and energy clearing. Our Bodywork segment prepares students and allows them to understand first-hand the importance of creating a safe container for themselves and others during a Shamanic Breathwork Journey.

~ Music

An instrumental piece of the Shamanic Breathwork Process is the music. The musical sets selected and played for Shamanic Breathwork Journeys are customized and designed to activate the chakra system and energy fields. Students will learn how to use their intuition and bodies to select appropriate music to engage each chakra. Students will also learn how to compile music and create a Shamanic Breathwork Musical Set from start to finish


~ Art

The Art segment teaches students the importance of tuning into and communicating with the subconscious mind through archetypal symbols that arise during Shamanic Breathwork Journeys. They will discover how to create art processes, and how to read artwork using the Elemental Five Cycles of Change and other symbolism.


~ Group Processing

During the Processing segment of our Facilitator Skills Training, students will learn how to create and hold a safe container where participants feel energetically held and comfortable with sharing their Shamanic Breathwork Journeys. Students will also learn how to give meaningful feedback and counseling as Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators—remembering that at the core of every individual resides an inner shaman guiding their journey. 

Each segment builds upon the other in a spiraling fashion, equipping students with the knowledge and experience to facilitate Shamanic Breathwork Ceremonies.

Click Here To learn more about the Facilitator Skills Segments

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What's Included

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This 14-day program will guide you through the fundamental transmissions and techniques used to hold space for a Shamanic Breathwork ceremony. You will have the opportunity to practice and hone your skills with each of these training elements during the Shamanic Breathwork journeys. Utilizing the breath, sound healing through chakra-attuned music, energetic bodywork, soul return and extraction, shamanic art processes, scribing and group processing. Journeyers enter an altered state of consciousness that transforms and integrates trauma experienced earlier in life; create a connection with their soul and spirit guides; and receive visions about their sacred purpose in the world. You will walk between the worlds: working on physical, emotional, mental, and energetic levels as you learn to embody the elements.

You will have highly skilled facilitators to ensure a safe and meaningful journey. The founder and director of Shamanic Breathwork, Linda Star Wolf, and The Venus Rising Team teach in a blend of ancient traditions and modern methodologies. They bring to you open, loving hearts and minds, willing to support and travel with you wherever you need to go. Along with your initiation into Shamanic Breathwork, you will begin to learn Shamanic Breathwork facilitation skills. Additional practices could include Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Astrology, Shamanic Ceremonies, and other activities providing spiritual integration and a well-rounded experience touching body, mind, heart, and spirit.


Surrounded by a high-vibrational community of change-makers and visionaries, the space will be held for you to develop a connection to your own inner healer and move into an incredible new level of shamanic understanding. You will find purpose, develop new skills, heal old wounds, learn more about yourself, find a family of like-minded seekers, and delve deep into yourself through the breath.


During the Shamanic Breathwork Ceremonies you will have the guidance of the teachers, as well as the support of a co-journeyer - a fellow student who will assist you with whatever you need during your psycho-spiritual voyage. You will switch roles with your partner halfway through the day, helping to create a nurturing, supportive, and safe space in which all participants can grow together as a community. Upon completion of the elemental journeys, you can feel fully embodied through each Shamanic Breathwork experience.  

In this training program, participants experience in-depth training and exposure in the following areas: Shamanic Bodywork, Music, Art, Deep Listening and Group Processing. Throughout these segments, participants explore:


  • How to create a safe container for deep inner-personal work

  • Developing and trusting your intuition and unique gifts

  • Bodywork such as rebirthing, resistance, conscious touch, and chakra clearing

  • How to feel and create shamanic musical journeys

  • How to host and integrate the Shamanic Shakti Art Process

  • Shamanic psycho-spiritual skills for group processing and integration

  • Anatomy of breathing, physical and spiritual effects of breathwork

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The Goddess Garden in Costa Rica

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Our home for this 14-day fully immersive training will be The Goddess Garden, an intentional place for transformation in Cahuita, Costa Rica. Along the eastern coastline, you will be immersed in tranquility where the rainforest meets the Caribbean Sea.

This retreat center is surrounded by huge jungle trees, which follow the path of a small creek. Just a step away, you will find the oldest and most amazing tree in Cahuita. Its roots, as tall as a man, will leave you breathless… in reality it is a temple. This beautiful setting will invite you to breathe more deeply.

With a commitment to sustainability, the retreat center buildings are distributed over an area of 14 acres using the natural clearings in the forest to build the resort. The water in the rooms is heated by solar panels to cut down the use of electricity. The restaurant serves mainly vegetarian dishes with organic vegetables and fruits locally grown. They compost their organic leftovers, and this compost is put back as fertilizer in the garden. 

The Goddess Garden Retreat’s spiritual center has two floors, where the view of the rainforest expands to almost 360 degrees. It is designed to give you a wonderful feeling, putting you in touch with nature during your Breathwork sessions. In the healing spa, on offer is a variety of massage and body work treatments tailored to your specific needs. Surrounded by stillness, this is a spot to reconnect to nature.

This peaceful, serene place will envelop you in the energy of the land. Wide, open skies will beckon you with spectacular nighttime starfield views, perfect for our astrology learnings. Abundant wildlife will serenade you, as birds fly on the gentle breeze passing above the sacred land. The lovely studio spaces host rainforest surroundings that wrap your breathwork and learning sessions in visions of lush greenery, tranquil enchantment, and stunning views. All within footsteps of the black sand beach and vast ocean.\

The Goddess Garden is several hours east of San Jose and is a world away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It creates a welcome, corrective balancing that makes it an ideal place for inner connection, and the deepening of your embodiment along the shamanic path. In oneness with the earth, it is magical.

Costa Rica is a peaceful country that disposed of the army many years ago and has a consciousness geared for peace and taking care of the environment. In the midst of awesome natural surroundings, makes it perfect for Breathwork and Shamanic practices.

Shuttle service will be available to you from San Jose Airport to The Goddess Garden at the beginning of the course, and back to San Jose Airport at its completion.

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Elegant, comfortable accommodations will greet you at The Goddess Garden. The housing will make you feel right at home, blissed and snug while meshed into the synergy of the retreat center, working garden, and glorious natural environment. The Caribbean inspired bungalows are nestled in the midst of the rainforest.


Accommodations are shared in spacious, clean and comfortable dorms. A fabulous shared experience, with the tranquil sounds of the forest and ocean to help you drift off to a sweet sleep. Air conditioner and fan, and towels, are furnished with your accommodations. The plush bedding and comfortable spaces will be yours to call home as we immerse ourselves as community and family for these two weeks. 


All housing is onsite, nestled in the rainforest retreat center, immersed in the lush surroundings. Together in this magical environment, we’ll have the opportunity to laugh, learn, and bond with our shamanic tribe.


**Stay at The Goddess Garden is a requirement for the training; and is the only option as the retreat center is located away from major towns. 

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Included in your accommodations cost are three healthy and delicious farm-to-table, buffet-style meals a day. Each meal stocked with healthy vegetables, fresh fruits and locally sourced meat such as fish and chicken to keep your vibration high throughout the training sessions.


The meal menu will consist of natural, wholesome, organic foods in a delightful array of vegan, and meat options. Meals will be primarily made with locally sourced organic foods whenever possible and all will be gluten-free. 


Prepared in a creative fusion of Eastern and Western styles, you’ll experience a symphony of yummy, healthy fare that will flood your body with nutrients and ignite your chakras. Vibrant, fresh cold-pressed juices will keep your energy high — and be thirst-quenching proof that it’s possible to both cultivate health and savor the deliciousness of it all.


Community meals will be perfect for getting to know your fellow tribe members and exploring the natural beauty of the retreat center grounds, either together or alone. Fresh and healthy as can be, mealtime will be a highlight of your stay here.

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The Schedule

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Sample Daily Schedule

(Subject to Change - may include late nights, day trips, and fun surprises)

10-1pm ~ Breathwork Ceremony or Skills Teaching


1-3pm ~ Lunch Break

3-6pm ~ Breathwork Ceremony or Skills Teaching


6-7:30pm ~ Dinner Break


7:30-9ishpm ~ Group Processing or Evening Session

Activities, Ceremonies, and Rituals

●      Rainforest Nature Walks 

●      Astrology Insights

●      Ceremonies – Fire, Dance, Cacao

●      Beach Visits

●      Onsite Spa with Massage and Body Work

●      Swimming and Relaxing by the Pool and Jacuzzi 

●      Shamanic Drumming, Dancing and Dreaming

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*This course will be running simultaneously as both SHIP and Skills trainings happening side by side. This means we have two separate trainings taking place at the same time, however both groups will be in sacred ritual and ceremony together and then go off into their own classrooms for the teachings. During our Dual Trainings, Venus Rising brings in more staff, which allows for a greater diversity and support than our other single programs. The result is a bigger container and a more dynamic experience for everyone. 

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Certification and Ordainment

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There are several ways to become certified as a Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator and ordained as a Shamanic Minister. To review our Certification and Ordainment pathways, follow these links; 

Shamanic Breathwork Certification: Click Here

Shamanic Ministerial Ordainment: Click Here

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Breathwork Accredidation

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Venus Rising's Master Practitioner Program is registered with the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance as an accredited qualification. Upon graduating the Apprenticeship Program, you are eligible to enroll with them as an Accredited Practitioner. We stand with the GPBA for quality of standards in breathwork training and ethics.

Explore the Shamanic Breathwork Pathways: Click Here

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Meet your Shamanic Guides

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Linda Star Wolf

Linda Star Wolf has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide to thousands of people over the last 35 years. Star Wolf created the Shamanic Breathwork Process as a synthesis of her personal exploration and direct healing experiences with breathwork, shamanic wisdom, depth psychology and addictions recovery methods. With over 30 years of recovery from her own experience with addictions, Star Wolf has dedicated her life to helping others to release dysfunctional patterns of all kinds and to radically transform their lives. She teaches people how to awaken to the bigger picture, embodies their own inner Visionary Shaman and steps into a life of passionate purpose.

Click here to Learn More; Linda Star Wolf


Nikólaus Wolf

Nikólaus Wolf holds a Master’s Degree from Venus Rising University in Shamanic Psycho- Spiritual Studies. He is the Co-Founder of the Shamanic Mystery Tours Company and Co-Director for Venus Rising. As Co-Founder of the Shamanic Mystery Tours Company, Nikólaus has facilitated shamanic journeys all across the world. Locations include places such as Bali, Mexico, Egypt and Peru. Nikó is a Master Shamanic Breathwork Practitioner and an Ordained Shamanic Priest and Minister through Venus Rising Association and Congregation for Transformation. As Venus Rising’s Co-Director, Nikólaus coordinates global events and is a lead trainer in Venus Rising's training programs. Nikó has served as Venus Rising’s Transformation House Staff and he has facilitated Venus Rising internships—mentoring and encouraging individuals to discover their Soul’s Purpose and follow their Holy Longing.

Click here to Learn More; Nikólaus Wolf


Levi Banner

With a warm smile, an energetic hug, and sly sense of humor, Levi Banner draws you into his world – teaching the spiritual sciences for healing and transformation. Yoga, Breathwork, and Astrology comprise his trinity of mystical knowledge. Divining deep astrological insights through the cosmic viewpoint. he creates a safe, peaceful classroom space where students can learn and grow to their fullest potential.


Levi is a Master Level Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator. Mystery, transformation, and healing magically combine as he leads intensive Shamanic Breathwork journeys, helping participants reconnect to their highest selves. By gifting students with personal empowerment and self-healing, he strives to create a community of open-hearted difference makers with world-changing potential.

Click here to Learn More; Levi Banner

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Judy Redhawk

Judy Redhawk has a PhD in clinical psychology. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1984, and cultivated her private psychology practice in Pittsburgh from 1996 to present date— working with children, adolescents, and adults. She is a drama therapist, specializing in psychodrama. Redhawk has supported hundreds of thousands of seekers use art to journey into their hearts. Merging her professional and clinical experience with her shamanic spiritual practice, Redhawk brings forth a rich and integrative perspective on art and shamanic psycho-spiritual studies. Through the fusion of her two passions—clinical psychotherapy and shamanic studies—Redhawk is able to walk between the world and gift readers with an integrative voice on how to use art and art processes to move through blockages, heal trauma, and create a life of freedom, wholeness, and inspiration.

Click here to Learn More; Judy Redhawk

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Program Cost (USD)

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Training Dates: 
December 3 - 16, 2024

Training Cost: 
$3500 Early Bird (pay deposit before April 10, 2024). 
$3800 USD (from April 11, 2024 onwards). 

*Inquire for local Costa Rican rates


In-Person Training Includes;
- Shuttle transportation between airport and retreat cen

- 13 Nights of Lodging
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
- All Rituals and Ceremonies

A non-refundable deposit of $800 is required to hold your space in this In-Person Training. Upon completion of your deposit, a registration form will appear. 

*Full Payment due 60 days prior to program

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